50 Computer GK for Assam Competitive Exams : Computer GK Quiz

Computer One Liner Gk for Assam Government Exams : Computer General Knowledge Questions with Answer

Hello, aspirants are you preparing for APSC, Assam TET, Assam Grade III and Grade IV Exam or any other Assam Govt Exams? If yes, then you must be aware of the most important Computer GK Quiz for Competitive Exam preparation. Therefore every aspirants need to know the important Questions and Answers on computer for APSC, Assam TET, Assam Grade III and Grade IV Exam or any other Assam Govt Exams. In this regard "World_Polity" decides to provide you the most important computer General Knowledge Questions and Answers for upcoming Assam Govt Recruitment exams. Infact the Computer One Liner Gk for competitive exams will be a key topic in the GK section for the upcoming Assam Govt Exams. So the 50 Computer GK for Assam Competitive Exams will be a pedestrian to crack your upcoming recruitment exams.

Computer One Liner Gk for Assam Government Exams : Computer General Knowledge Questions with Answer

Computer GK Quiz

Computer One Liner Gk for Assam Government Exams

In this article we have provided you most important Computer One Liner Gk for Assam Government Exams. So, read all these important Computer GK Quiz for Assam Direct Recruitment Grade III and Grade IV Exam as well as APSC, APDCL, Assam TET, Assam Police, Irrigation, PNRD, JAA, DHS exams. These GK Questions and Answers on Computer are extremely important and should be a part of your preparation.

Computer General Knowledge Questions with Answer

In order to succeed in the prestigious APSC, Assam Direct Recruitment Grade III and Grade IV Exam, it is important that the aspirant has access to the all the GK questions & Answers of each topic. Specially the toppers of Assam govt exams recommend that aspirant start their preparation with the most important topics of syllabus such as Computer GK for the upcoming exams.

Computer GK Quiz

In this set of Computer GK Quiz there are two very important Computer GK Questions and Answers. They are : 

1. What is the default chart type in Microsoft excel?

(A) pie chart

(B) line chart

(C) surface chart

(D) column chart

Ans : (D) column chart

2. Which keys are used to switch between programs in windows?

(A) Ctrl+TAB

(B) Alt+TAB

(C) Shift+TAB

(D) Shift+Enter

Ans : (B) Alt+TAB

50 Computer GK for Assam Competitive Exams : Computer GK Quiz (Direct Recruitment Grade III & IV/DHS/DME/AYUSH/DHSFW)

Here are a total of 50 General Knowledge Questions and Answers on Computer. Read all these Important 50 Computer GK for Assam Competitive Exams in order to answer the questions :

1. What are the 6 Main Components of a Computer?


1) Storage Unit

2) Control Unit

3) Input Unit

4) Output Unit

5) Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

6) Central Processing Unit (CPU)

2. What are the 3 Components of the CPU?


1) Memory Unit.

2) Control Unit.

3) Arithmetic Logic Unit

3. How many Bits are in a Single-Byte?

Answer: Eight Bits (8 Bits)

4. How many Megabyte makes one Gigabyte?

Answer: 1024 MB (1000 MB Standard)

5. Who is Called Livewares?

Answer: People who work with Computers

6. Who Invented the Mechanical Calculator known as Pascaline?

Answer: Blaise Pascal

7. Which Computer Unit Performs all Mathematical and Logical Functions?

Answer: Central Processing Unit (CPU)

8. Which Electronic Components were used in First Generation Computer?

Answer: Vacuum Tubes

9. Which Program runs on a Computer when Computer Boots up?

Answer: Operating System

10. What Type of Devices are Keyboard, Mouse, and Joystick?

Answer: Input Devices

11. What was the First Version of Windows called?

Answer: Interface Manager (1983)

12. What was the Code Name for Windows Vista?

Answer: Longhorn

13. What Type of Format is HTML?

Answer: Document File Format

14. What is the Name of the Software that Allows us to Browse the Internet?

Answer: Browser

15. Why do Cache and Main Memory lose their Contents when the Power is Off?

Answer: Because they are Volatile

Explanation: Volatile Memory is stored in a Computer Memory that only maintains its data while the device is powered.

16. Which Technology is used in a CD Drive?

Answer: Optical Laser

17. Which type of Software are MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, and MS Word?

Answer: Application Software

18. Which Company made Windows Operating System?

Answer: Microsoft Corporation

19. What is the Name of the First Microprocessor?

Answer: Intel 4004

20. What is the “Intel Company” Famous for?

Answer: Intel is the world’s Largest Semiconductor Chip manufacturer. Intel’s processors are found in most of the Personal Desktop Computers and Laptops

21. What are C, C++, C#, Java, PHP, and Python?

Answer: Computer Programming Languages

22. What are .doc, .pdf, .txt, .png, and .JPG?

Answer: Computer File Extensions

23. What is the name of the Arrow Symbol Position Indicator on a Computer Display?

Answer: Cursor

24. What is the Name of the Process when the Operating System Runs?

Answer: Booting

25. Which Computer Memory Stores Data “Temporarily”?

Answer: Random Acces Memory

26. What is the name of the Set of Instructions that directs a Computer’s Hardware to perform a Task?

Answer: Computer Program

27. Which Programming Language was used by the First Generation Computers?

Answer: Machine language

28. Which Programming Language was used by the Second Generation Computers?

Answer: Assembly language

29. Name the First General-Purpose Electronic Computer?

Answer: UNIVAC

30. Who is known as the Human-Computer of India?

Answer: Shakuntala Devi

31. Which Programming Language is used by Apple Computers?

Answer: Swift Language

32. Who is the Father of the Computer?

Answer: Charles Babbage

33. Who is the Father of Motherboard?

Answer: Reed Ghazala

34. When is World Computer Literacy Day?

Answer: 2 December

35. Name the Computer Engineer who received Nobel Prize for literature in 2003?

Answer: J.M. Coetzee

36. Which is the Physical Part of the Computer System?

Answer: Computer Hardware

37. Which Electronic Device Processes the Data converting it into Information?

Answer: Processor

38. What are the Three Types of Computer Bus?


1) Data Bus

2) Control Bus

3) Address Bus

39. Who Invented WWW (World Wide Web)?

Answer: Sir Tim Berners-Lee (1989)

40. What does BIOS stand for?

Answer: Basic Input/Output System

41. Where does a Computer perform Addition and Comparison of Data?

Answer: Central Processing Unit (CPU)

42. Where is Temporary Data stored in a Computer?

Answer: Random Access Memory (RAM)

43. Where is Permanent Data stored in a Computer?

Answer: Hard Drive or Solid State Drive (SSD)

44. In what form is the Data Stored in the Memory of a Computer?

Answer: Decimal, Binary, Hexadecimal, etc

45. Who is the Father of Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Answer: John McCarthy

46. Name of the World’s First Successful Electronic Computer?

Answer: Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer(ENIAC)

47. What is Computer Virus?

Answer: It is a malicious Software or a Program that can reproduce itself by rewriting other accessible PC programs and embedding its own code. After Successful replication, the affected areas are said to be “infected” with a Computer Virus.

48. What is the name of the Standalone Malware Computer Program that replicates itself to spread to other Computers?

Answer: Computer Worm

49. How many Bits is One Nibble?

Answer: 4 Bits

50. What is the Name of the Computer’s Memory?

Answer: RAM

Download Computer GK Book for Competitive Exam :: CLICK HERE

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• Computer Keyboard Shortcut Keys

UPSC, APSC, SSC, Railways, IBPS, Direct Recruitment 2023 Grade III and Grade IV Exam is considered as one of the toughest exams in India and is conducted with tight security. So to grab a job it's always all about how well you have read & how much revisions you have done. Thank you. Best of Luck. 

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