International Labour Day 2021: History, Significance, and Theme

Labour Day 2021: Why May 1 Is Observed As International Workers’ Day

International Labour Day 2021: History, Significance, and Theme

The International Labour Day, also known as International Worker’s Day or May Day, observed every year on May 1 to promote and encourage the international labour associations. The day marks the victory of workers’ movement for 8 hours of work. It also aims to pay tribute to workers sacrifices in achieving economic and social rights.

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Typically, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) – a UN agency, celebrates the day by holding rallies and demonstrations over the globe and spreads awareness about the key issues faced by workers of the world.

Significance of International Labour Day :

The main reason for Labour Day is to spread awareness against the unfair treatment of the labour class. People of all ages, generally who were very poor and recent immigrants, used to work in extremely unsafe working conditions with insufficient access to fresh air, sanitary facilities and minimal breaks from work.

International Labour Day in India :

In India the International Labour Day was celebrated for the first time in Madras (now Chennai) on May 1, 1923. This day was observed by the Labour Kisan Party of Hindustan. On this day, communist leader Malayapuram Singaravelu Chettiar asked the government that May 1 should be considered as a national holiday to symbolise the efforts and work of the workers. This day is also known as Kamgar Divas, Kamgar Din and Antrarashtriya Shramik Divas in India.

The theme of Labour Day 2021 :

The International Workers' Day will be observed on May 1 and every year there is a common observance theme that symbolises the efforts of the labours. The theme of 2021 has not been announced yet, however, it will be announced soon. In 2019, the theme for labour day was, "Uniting Workers for Social and Economic Advancement."

The theme of Labour Day 2020 :

The main aim of celebrating International Labour Day each year is to promote awareness about the workers and labours investing their time and toil in different available work options

The theme of Labour Day 2019 :

The theme for Labour Day 2019 is "Uniting Workers for Social and Economic Advancement".

International Labour Day 2021: Why we celebrate May Day as Labour Day?

The Labour Day or May Day is celebrated to commemorate the happenings of May 4, 1886, the Haymarket affair (Haymarket Massacre) in the Chicago.

The Haymarket Massacre was a big event wherein workers were on general strike demanding for eight-hour workday and police were doing their job of dispersing the general public from the crowd. However, a bomb was thrown over the crowd and police started firing, leading to the death of four demonstrator.

The sacrifice of these workers led to the declaration of eight-hours as the legal time for the workers in the National Convention at Chicago in 1884 by the American Federation of Labour.

To commemorate this event, the Second International, a pan-national organisation of socialist and communist political parties, marked 1 May as the Labour Day in 1891.

Well, the International Labour Day is marked as an international day to spread awareness about the working class of the society. In most of the countries, the International Labour Day is celebrated as a national holiday while in many other countries, there are different events that take place to celebrate the day, keeping the main motto of spreading awareness.

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